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Lights in the Dark

 Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics 
 International Master program
University of Bordeaux 

 Go for an immersive research-based learning ! 
 Check out the program ! 

The PCCP master's degree is part of the LIGHT Gradual Research School. The program places great emphasis on immersive research-based learning, laboratory projects, and provides new opportunities for students who wish to specialize in the field of photonics.
In addition, the program offers: 
- A granted research internship during the first year
- An international mobility during the last semester
- The possibility of earning a dual Master degree with the Colorado School of Mines
- Possible scolarships (about 800€/month) based on excellence academic criteria

Applications for 2025/2026 are open. Don't miss the opportunity, Apply now!

Watch the trailers made by students

The PCCP program aims to integrate Master students in academic and industrial fields belonging to various aspects of fundamental Physical-Chemistry. Supported by a high-level educational and research context, the PCCP program offers a challenging international environment.​

Contact us


Université de Bordeaux

Collège Sciences & Technologies

351 cours de la Libération

33405 Talence CEDEX, FRANCE

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