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 International Mobility 

Boost your skills with an educational experience abroad. 

Developing the international mobility of students through exchange programs and partnerships with other Universities all around the world, is one of the priorities of Bordeaux University. 

It is also the essence of the PCCP Master program.

International mobility is strongly encouraged for students entering the PCCP Master program. Students should build their own mobility program in connection with their scientific interests and professional project, helped by members of the PCCP international board. The mobility program is organized as follows throughout the two years: 


During the first year, all courses take place in Bordeaux and are thought in English. International mobility may be organized through short‐term events like summer schools. With the help of the PCCP team, students prepare their mobility plans for the second year (choice of the host University, application to various mobility funding programs, preparation of the administrative formalities). 


During the second year, the fall semester courses (from September to January) are given in Bordeaux. All courses are given in English. Time is also dedicated to finalize the preparations regarding the mobility of the spring semester (from February to June), which is spent abroad. Students can undertake an internship in a public research laboratory or within the R&D department of a private company. At the end of the semester, all students come back to Bordeaux to present their Master thesis and take part in the graduation ceremony.        

Find essential information about international mobility on the International website of the University of Bordeaux


Université de Bordeaux

Collège Sciences & Technologies

351 cours de la Libération

33405 Talence CEDEX, FRANCE

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