Mines/UBx double diploma
A double diploma since 2017.
The Colorado School of Mines (CSM) and the Bordeaux University (UBx) have signed an ambitious project for a Dual Master Program in Materials Science/Physical Chemistry. Laureates will be issued a Master degree of both CSM and Bordeaux Universities.
The first year will be hosted at CSM for both the UBx and CSM students selected for the dual masters program, whereas the second year will be hosted at UBx.
YEAR 1 (CSM) 1. Fall semester 1 at CSM (August 15th – December 22nd)
2. Spring semester 1 at CSM (January 10 – May 15th)
YEAR 2 (UBx) 3. Fall semester 2 at UBx (September 1st – December 22th)
4. Spring semester 2 at UBx (January-June: “Case study” / internship in UB laboratories or others)
Study plan / Organization of the courses
Under completion of the dual masters program, students from each university receive a masters degree in "Materials Science" from CSM and in "Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics" from UBx.
During the first year at CSM Students must complete a total of 8 courses, composed of 4 elective courses + 4 mandatory core courses:
MLGN 591 – Materials Thermodynamics
MLGN 592 – Advanced Materials Kinetics and Transport
MLGN 593 – Bonding, Structure, and Crystallography
MLGN 502 - Solid State Physics
Here is a list of suggested elective courses:
CHGN 598A – Adv Instrument Analysis
PHGN 542 – Solid State Devices
MLGN 510 – Surface Chemistry
MLGN 599 - Battery Science
CHGN 599B - Independent Study (research internship)
MLGN 535 - Microelectronics Proc
The second year at UBx is composed of 2 electives courses to be chosen between a list of four:
Large Scale Facilities
Hybrid and Nano-materials
Dielectric and Magnetic properties
Self-Assembly of Polymers and Surfactants
+ 4 mandatory courses:
Photonics, Lasers and Imaging
Computational Chemistry / Molecular Simulation
management and entrepreneurship
In addition, the students must complete a “case study / research project” counting for 6 credits (i.e. the equivalent of 2 courses in terms of credits).

Université de Bordeaux
Collège Sciences & Technologies
351 cours de la Libération
33405 Talence CEDEX, FRANCE